Who are we? What are we doing? And what do we need? Sounds Philosophical !!!! Well yes it is.
It is the common feeling of today’s youth. Young people today are both excited and confused by the innumerable career choices. All of them want to be Unique and more progressive than others. The sense of competition has created havoc among young people. Never before have there been as many career options as there are today. To succeed, therefore, means changing one’s mind setup and then sifting through the enormous information overload to find the right path. As IT has opened entirely different world which is quiet fascinating for the young people. There are hundreds of options that can be most challenging and fulfilling, from space Tech, design, travel and tourism, to telecommunications, biotechnology, environmental sciences, and many others. Each offers a diverse spectrum of options that will be benefiting over the years.
The decision of choosing a career is the most important one of our lives. Yet it is often made on the basis of unrealistic professional aspirations, inadequate knowledge, peer pressures, and emotional factors that are irrelevant. It is very sad to know that many people around us find themselves in careers that are only remotely associated with their aptitude, skills and desires. They drift into jobs they are unsuited for, and end up dissatisfied, frustrated, over-stressed and often bored. It is very important to take a realistic approach to the choice of one’s career. Success in a career largely depends on aptitude and interest.
Unfortunately career Counseling has always been malnourished in our region. It has never given the importance it needed. If to argue on the present Literacy Rate; Career Counseling cannot be put back. More or less; whatever our Literacy rate has been or is, Career Counseling has remained a very important factor of its chart. If observed psychologically a person can fall a victim to “Career Terror” due to lack of career guidance. Career Terror is defined as a terror in which a person always feels himself under evaluation or some scrutiny where his abilities are going to be tested. This also results into a lack of self confidence.
Unfortunately career Counseling has always been malnourished in our region. It has never given the importance it needed. If to argue on the present Literacy Rate; Career Counseling cannot be put back. More or less; whatever our Literacy rate has been or is, Career Counseling has remained a very important factor of its chart. If observed psychologically a person can fall a victim to “Career Terror” due to lack of career guidance. Career Terror is defined as a terror in which a person always feels himself under evaluation or some scrutiny where his abilities are going to be tested. This also results into a lack of self confidence.
So it proves guidance to choose any profession largely affects the people and people have to form a nation. A blame game cannot be played here because left or right; the loss will be ours. When a person couldn’t lift himself then how can it be expected that he will be able to lift his nation. In order to overcome this crisis; policymakers should recognize the importance of career guidance and counseling in assisting to achieve policy goals related to lifelong learning, employment, and social equity. It can be helped by developing closer links between policymakers and practitioner associations. Such intense focus on career guidance and counseling will also result in closer scrutiny of its professional standards and qualifications. Consequently, at the same time as there being increased demand for and interest in career counseling, practitioner associations will redefine their roles with members, the community, and policymakers.
No doubt that discovering one’s talent and choosing the right career will ultimately be the key to success and happiness in life. And it needs all earlier factors to be accomplished. However, there are some necessary steps on one’s part too, to plan life and career choices.
There are two ways of starting off. One is to find out what you really like doing and do it irrespective of the gains and growth patterns and the second is to find out what really motivates you, find out which among the careers gives you what you want and build up competencies for it. Either way you will get what you want in the first method the journey itself is your reward (though you will find many pulling your leg, but don't worry, many have tread this path and quite successfully at that too) and in the second you are carefully working your way to your reward which could be clearly spelt out to be a consequence of your work or occupation.
Whichever path you choose, it is most important to know your individual strengths and weaknesses. First of all relax and assess yourself honestly. Think of all your accomplishments, of all the compliments you got, of all the work that really inspired you, of the times when you worked with passion at and jot them all down. You will find that as you note down your victories, your achievements etc a pattern will emerge. You can find that you are good at organizing, at making people comfortable, at leading, at solving puzzles, at physical activity, at playing music or games. Each of these represents a career option by itself or throws up some characteristic in you, qualities that could be good assets in your future career options.
Now list out things that motivate you, which you aspire for, your dreams, things you would want more than anything else in the world. Find your fit between the person you are and the dream you wish to achieve. As this picture gets clearer you become more aware, confident and purposeful. Attributes that serve you well along the way. You have now formed a sharp picture of yourself with specific saleable qualities.
Based on your aspiration level and your aptitude, you can also identify the careers that offer the kind of lifestyle or returns that you wish.
Having decided on a particular direction, build competencies. Specific careers need specific education and training. Whichever area you choose to be in, you will fare well if you strive to be the best in it. Leave your individual brand on it. Learn the ropes by acquiring information, by taking up courses, by taking up internships and summer jobs, by learning the economics of the job, by adding special skills that help in handling the job with greater proficiency.
All careers without exception would certainly require a good writing and verbal communicating ability so please work on that, a pleasing and well-mannered personality, a professional work ethic and good inter-personal skills. Work on these important soft skills along with as you plan your career.
A final word! If the goal has been decided then; be clear about it and start walking towards it. You will learn along the way. You will acquire skills and competencies that help you along. The important thing is to start the journey.